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The 皇冠足彩 Board of Trustees will provide for the confidentiality of all student education records that are maintained by 皇冠足彩 as required by both Maine law and the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

皇冠足彩 shall provide annual notification to the parents of students currently in attendance and to eligible students (18 years old or older) of their rights in relation to the student education records being maintained by 皇冠足彩.

皇冠足彩 designates the following information about students as directory information: name, the student’s participation in officially recognized activities and sports, height and weight of student athletes and grade level in School of students in extracurricular activities, date of attendance at 皇冠足彩 Schools, and honors and awards received.

皇冠足彩 may disclose directory information about students in attendance if it has given the notification required by FERPA to parents of the students and to eligible students and has not received timely written notice refusing permission to designate some or all of the types of information about a student as directory information.

Under Maine law, 皇冠足彩 shall not publish on the Internet without written parental consent any information, whether directory or otherwise, that identifies a student; including but not limited to the student’s full name, photograph, personal biography, email address, home address, date of birth, social security number, and parents’ names.

皇冠足彩 is required by the Commissioner to collect and report student social security numbers as a way to provide Schools with data about the long-term effectiveness of teaching and programs from early childhood through to college and the work force. 皇冠足彩 is requesting parents to provide written consent to use their child's social security number for these purposes. Parents are not required to consent to the release of their child’s social security number. If a parent does not allow the social security number for a student to be released, the child will still be enrolled in the School. Every student has a right to a public education, regardless of whether or not a social security number is provided. No child's social security number may be used for longitudinal data purposes without prior written parental consent. When a student turns 18 years of age, the written consent must be obtained from the student and the rights previously accorded to the parent are accorded to the student.

The Executive Director of 皇冠足彩 shall develop and promulgate procedures for implementing this policy, including a description of the access rights of parents, students, and educational personnel to records and the confidentiality rights of parents and students. Such procedures may be amended from time to time, as necessary.

A copy of the policy and procedure shall be available in each building and the 皇冠足彩 website. Parents shall be notified annually of the policy and procedure.

Legal Reference:

              • 20 USC § 1232g
              • 34 CFR Part 99
              • 20-A MRSA § 6001
              • Ch. 101 § 15 (Me. Dept. of Ed. Rule)
              • Ch. 125 § 12.01(E) (Me. Dept. of Ed. Rule)
  • 1st Reading: September 11, 2010
  • Adopted: May 27, 2011